Medico Legal References

Dr. M J VandenBurg

Fellow Royal College of Physicians
Fellow American College of Clinical Pharmacology
Fellow Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine
Member International Stress Management Association


Dr Malcolm Vandenburg is a Specialist in General and Pharmaceutical Medicine.

He is available to give medico-legal expert witness reports and appear as a medico legal expert witness and supply medical written expert opinions in any matters referred to on this page.


Bastian Lloyd Morris Solicitor Advocates Reference

Bastian Lloyd Morris Solicitor Advocates.
27th December, 2007


Read the full PDF reference by clicking HERE

Donald Galbraith & Co Solicitors Reference

Donald Galbraith & Co Solicitors.
2nd January, 2008


Read the full PDF reference by clicking HERE

Hallinan, Blackburn Gittings & Nott Solicitors Reference

Hallinan, Blackburn Gittings & Nott Solicitors.
19th December, 2007


Read the full PDF reference by clicking HERE

Patrick J Cusack & Co Solicitors Reference

Patrick J Cusack & Co Solicitors.
25th November, 2004


Read the full PDF reference by clicking HERE

Paul Robinson Solicitors Reference

Paul Robinson Solicitors.
22nd September, 2010


Read the full PDF reference by clicking HERE

Tremletts Solicitors Reference

Tremletts Solicitors.
10th January, 2008


Read the full PDF reference by clicking HERE


MR PB, 148, AUGUST 2010


A case involving the production / cultivation of Cannabis and self-medication, Sativex and legal pain relief.


"To whom it may concern,


I instructed Dr VandenBurg with reference to a drug cultivation case where I represented a defendant who was using and growing cannabis for pain relief. Dr VandenBurg and his team were tasked with providing me with a report for use at the Crown Court detailing Cannabis information including the benefits for pain relief as described by the defendant.


This ever changing subject provided some new issues and in particular the finding of the government backed Cannabis based pain relief spray called Sativex. A huge amount of investigation into this and the background behind the production of the drug together with tests results of its effectiveness were very important to this case.


I found both Dr VandenBurg, and his team, very helpful throughout my contact with them and would definitively use him again.


Many thanks"





DR MALCOLM VANDENBURG FRCP is a sought-after medico-legal expert who has given opinion in many high profile cases. He discusses his own experience on issues that have most influenced the courts. Cases are complex and interwoven but with the right presentation Malcolm shows you how the right outcome can be achieved.


"Dear Malcolm,

Thank you so much for your presentation at the ISMA conference on Tuesday. It was extremely well received.


We really appreciate your offer of support and will keep in touch.
Likewise if I or ISMA can support you let us know.


Best Wishes"


ISMA Approved Trainer and Coach


Registered Charity No. 1088103
Company limited by guarantee No. 4079657

AMcM, June 2010




"I instructed Dr VandenBurg with reference to a drug cultivation case where i represented a defendant who was using and growing cannabis for pain relief. Dr VandenBurg and his team were tasked with providing me with a report for use at the Crown Court detailing Cannabis information including the benefits for pain relief as described by the defendant.


This ever changing subject provided some knew issues and in particular the finding of the government backed Cannabis based pain relief spray called Sativex. A huge amount of investigation into this and the background behind the production of the drug together with tests results of its effectiveness were very important to this case.


I found both Dr VandenBurg, and his team, very helpful throughout my contact with them and would definitively use him again.


Many thanks"






"We are pleased to say that our Client was aquitted on this matter. The Crown agreed with your report and the relevant parts of it were read to the Jury who I am sure found them very useful.


You may recall that we had reason to contact you during the Trial while you were otherwise on your holiday and we thank you very much for your assitance at that time which was very helpful and the help your office gave us with regard to sending us certain papers.


Counsel was very pleased with the report and we will be adding your name to our experts list and look forward to using your services in the future."






A case involving sexual assault - psychosis, Zolpidem, Methylphenidate, Sumatriptan, Phenobarbitone, Esomeprazole, Cetirizine, Pseudoephedrine, Diphenhydramine combined with any other administered drugs or alcohol.


I am happy to recommend the services of Dr Vandenburg as an expert witness in criminal proceedings. My firm instructed Dr Vandenburg in a Crown Court case in 08 / 09 to consider the effects on a complainant in a sexual assault case of Ambien (Zolpidem) sleeping tablets by themselves and in combination with alcohol and other prescription drugs.


Professional competence, knowledge and skills:
Overall I found Dr Vandenburg's approach to the case professional and thorough. His report setting out his findings, research and opinions was clear and comprehensive. The Crown did not seek to challenge Dr Vandenburg's competence, knowledge or skills by instructing their own expert in the case.


Communication and presentation skills:
Dr Vandenburg gave evidence at the trial before the Crown Court. Both my client and our experienced trial counsel have commented on the strength of Dr Vandenburg's performance in the witness box. Judging by the outcome of the case and the other available evidence in my view Dr Vandenburg's evidence had a significant impact on the jury.


Ability to work effectively with others:
Dr Vandenburg was available for pre-trial conferences with counsel at chambers. I understand from our trial representative that he was active throughout his time at court and not simply when he was in the witness box. For example considering and undertaking research on issues as they presented themselves in the course of the trial.



"In a very difficult murder case of 6000 plus pages with an infinite number of evidential angles the defence realised mid-trial the importance of obtaining an expert opinion on the effect on memory of certain drugs. Malcolm VandenBurg 'came to the rescue' with an effective report and clearly delivered testimony at short-notice. I wish all experts could respond as efficiently as he did."




Miss J M G, 129


A case involving sexual assault and actual bodily harm, alcohol, cannabis, Paroxetine, Zopiclone, Carbimazole, Loratadine and Transdermal Patches.


"Have left a message on your answer phone to say that you are no longer required to attend Court. Your report, however, will be of significant use. Many thanks for all of your help. "


Miss J M G, 129


MR NI, 127, AUGUST 2009


This report covered the effects of alcohol, cannabis, cocaine powder, crack cocaine, and the antidepressant Citalopram (Cipramil) on behaviour, particularly sexual behaviour and sexual disinhibition.


'Dr Malcolm Vandenburg was commissioned by us to prepare a medical report for use in a criminal trial due to start imminently. The allegation was the rape of a 20 year old girl whose dependency on crack cocaine had only shortly before the trial been discovered. The defence case was essentially that she had consented to various sexual acts while under the influence of crack, cannabis and alcohol, and regretted her excesses the following day in sobriety. We needed expert opinion on the effects of these drugs short of impairment of the witness's decision making powers (there was no issue here since both sides accepted that there was no incapacity as such). Dr Vandenburg provided a thorough and comprehensive report dealing with all aspects of disinhibition and the physical and mental consequences therefrom. He was quick to respond to questions that arose and to prepare supplementary opinion on specific points. An edited version of his lengthy report was agreed by the prosecution and tendered in evidence. The report bridged an important gap in the evidence between drug use and the likely or possible level of disinhibited and uncharacteristic behaviour subsequently. The report, which referred to copious academic research and authorities, was prepared and delivered within 4 days to a strict time limit. Dr Vandenburg's report contributed to the acquittal of the defendant by an unanimous jury on 3 counts of rape.'


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